A documentary that follows the very talented young Russian cellist Maya Fridman living in the Netherlands in her quest to do good for the Ukrainian people in the current humanitarian crisis.
On February 24, it became clear to Maya Fridman that Putin was serious about his invasion of Ukraine. The young cellist could not wait or be silent and, remembering Remco Campert's famous poem 'Someone asks the question', she asked Ukrainian and Russian musicians, including Anna Fedorova, Vadim Neselovskyi, Evgeny Kissin and Mischa Maisky, to perform solo and together. and use the money to support the Ukrainian people. Her initiative grew into a powerful musical movement that is still growing in strength.
Documentary maker David van Tijn follows her journey and struggle for justice. Join us as music and culture bridge apparent contradictions and unleash a universal force against cynicism, nationalism and barbarism.
The documentary is premiered at the EYE Film Museum
in Amsterdam and is part of the Cello Biénnale.